STARS - 2019
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

ImaGINator: Conditional Spatio-Temporal GAN for Video Generation

Participants : Yaohui Wang, Antitza Dantcheva, Piotr Bilinski [University of Warsaw] , François Brémond.

keywords: GANs, Video Generation

Generating human videos based on single images entails the challenging simultaneous generation of realistic and visual appealing appearance and motion. In this context, we propose a novel conditional GAN architecture, namely ImaGINator [35] (see Figure 11), which given a single image, a condition (label of a facial expression or action) and noise, decomposes appearance and motion in both latent and high level feature spaces, generating realistic videos. This is achieved by (i) a novel spatio-temporal fusion scheme, which generates dynamic motion, while retaining appearance throughout the full video sequence by transmitting appearance (originating from the single image) through all layers of the network. In addition, we propose (ii) a novel transposed (1+2)D convolution, factorizing the transposed 3D convolutional filters into separate transposed temporal and spatial components, which yields significantly gains in video quality and speed. We extensively evaluate our approach on the facial expression datasets MUG and UvA-NEMO, as well as on the action datasets NATOPS and Weizmann. We show that our approach achieves significantly better quantitative and qualitative results than the state-of-the-art (see Table 1).

Figure 11. Overview of the proposed ImaGINator. In the GeneratorG, the Encoder firstly encodes an input image ca into a single vector p. Then, the Decoder produces a video based on a motion cm and a random vector z. By using spatio-temporal fusion, low level spatial feature maps from the Encoder are directly concatenated into the Decoder. While DI discriminates whether the generated images contain an authentic appearance, DV additionally determines whether the generated videos contain an authentic motion.
Table 1. Evaluation of VGAN, MoCoGAN and proposed ImaGINator with respect to image quality (SSIM/PSNR) and video quality (FID).
VGAN 0.28/14.54   74.72 0.72/20.09   167.71
MoCoGAN 0.58/18.16   45.46 0.74/21.82   49.46
ImaGINator 0.75/22.63   29.02 0.88/27.39   26.86
Weizmann UvA-NEMO
VGAN 0.29/15.78   127.31 0.21/13.43   30.01
MoCoGAN 0.42/17.58   116.08 0.45/16.58   29.81
ImaGINator 0.73/19.67   99.80 0.66/20.04   16.16